Yellow all,
I could not believe it has been six months
since the first time I left Indonesia to start a new life in Melbourne, shifted
my status from employee to student. For the first two months everything feels
so exciting, living in other country, exploring the city, making new friends
with local people and international students or even going from my place to
university which takes only 10 minutes walk feels like new adventures for me.
The thrill slowly retards when class started, demand full attention from student
thus they only think about themselves and their study and (sometimes) forget
how to socialize and be nice to other people (which in this story: me). It was
the end of what so called by my former cross-culture teacher as "the honeymoon
That was the moment that rings my bell; I’m a student and am here to study. I
never imagine that study a master degree will be this hard, requires big efforts
from student to study independently from huge range of literature and to think critically
based on our own understanding. I struggled with my new life on my own without
family and true friend, tried hard to catch up the lesson in class, finished my
assignment on time and managed my stress. However I always see the bright pink
side of everything, I know I’m living my dream to live abroad and also building
my future dream to have a good career so I could contribute good things to my organization
and my country. It might sounds too big, but we should think and dream big
Talking about stress management, there are
two things that can boost my mood and makes me happy: shopping and play dress up.
But I guess those are cure for every girl when they feel unhappy, sad, or
stressed, right girls? J. Living a #studentlife is like living new
life with chances and freedom to express myself through what I wear. Express myself
through clothing does not mean overdress everyday to university, I’m a student not
a model and the university is not a runaway tho J. It means no more typical employee formal
attires, no more pretty hand bags and no more high heels. Here are some of my student look . . .
Sometimes I feel so lazy to join the class |
In the school hallway |
Strike a pose before go to Uni |
me at University Square |
Those look so simple right? As representative
of hijabers, I just want to dress appropriately so that my international
friends would see hijabers as normal as other student. I don’t want them to see
hijabers as a closed-minded person that keep their distance from non-moslem people
or even hijabers as a glamour person like how they thought about Arabian people.
Less is more !!