Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I'm a Proud Alumni #aussiebanget


Seperti judulnya, I am a #proudalumni and also #happyalumni ! (^^)/
Jelas happy karena weekend kemarin dapet undangan untuk datang ke acara nya Australian Award. Australian Award  sering banget bikin event baik untuk yang homecoming atau pun buat alumni yang sudah lama pulang, ya saya salah satu nya :D. Event yang kemarin diadain namanya Gig on The Green, dengan konsep garden party di halaman belakang Kedutaan Besar Australia yang baru.  Seperti yang sudah-sudah, event kali ini seru banget karena panitia nya berusaha banget ngasih suasana garden yang casual sekaligus hype dengan  live music, lampu-lampu kecil, bean bag warna-warni dan free flow foods, drinks and desserts ! We always love freebis, ya kaan ! ga ketinggalan juga photo booth lengkap dengan props nya loh. ^^  . Karena rumput di Indonesia lembab, panitia menyediakan rumput sintetis supaya nyaman untuk didudukin. 

ada yang ga kontrol duduknya karena terlalu excited bisa ndeprok di rumput lagi :P

berusaha cari spot foto yang anti - mainstream


Saya merasa beruntung banget bisa diundang ke acara yang digelar di Kedutaan Australia ini. Selain karena saya akhirnya jadi tau lokasi kantor Kedutaan Australia yang baru, plus denger-denger masuk ke lingkungan Kedutaan yang baru ini jauh lebih sulit daripada sewaktu di lokasi yang lama. Dihari kerja normal, bahkan Australian citizen yang kerja di Jakarta saja harus berdiri menunggu 30 menit di pinggir jalan untuk bisa melalui proses security check. Sementara kemarin saya cuma 1 menit menunjukkan kartu identitas saja. 
Banyak keuntungan yang didapat kalau kalian jadi penerima beasiswa AAS alias Australian Awards Scholarship, dan keuntungan ini sudah dirasakan sejak sebelum berangkat sekolah sampai setelah kalian jadi alumni. Belum lagi pengalaman berharga yang dirasakan saat sekolah merantau ke negeri kanguru, Subhanallah Alhamdulillah banget deh pokoknya. 

Saya belum bisa share pengalaman ataupun tips and trick untuk dapetin beasiswa AAS di blog ini, but I would be very happy to answer kalau ada yang bertanya :D. Anyway ada blog temen seperjuangan yang pernah share tentang seputaran beasiswa AAS, ada Ratri dan ada juga Dhani. Ada juga madeandi yang blognya banyak banget dirujuk sama para pencari beasiswa.

Semoga sedikit tulisan dan foto ini bisa bikin kalian tambah semangat untuk apply beasiswa AAS yah \(^^)/

salam, kiss, and hug

Monday, August 14, 2017

Current Crush: 90's Button-Front Long Dress

lagi in the mood pake button-front long flowery dress, 
aku ga yakin style ini pernah trending tahun 90-an atau ga
tapi gaya ini rasanya effortless chic deh 

unbutton it so I don't look too girly

Pair it with sneakers

Pair it sandals

   Pair it with boots



kayaknya bakal hunting dress seperti ini lagi nih, super easy and hijab-friendly !


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Where to go in Jogjakarta : Ullen Sentalu Museum

To be honest, I never heard about this place before. I first found out about Ullen Sentalu Museum when I was planning an itinerary to Jogjakarta with some friends. When I googled about Jogjakarta, there was a nice picture of a gate that looks like a place I've visit before in Melbourne called Monsalvat. Turns out that the gate in the picture was part of Ullen Sentalu property. There weren't much information I got from google about Ullen Sentalu Museum. This was probably because the privacy regulation applied on the area of museum.      

Ullen Sentalu Museum located one hour away from Jogjakarta city center. It was in a highland area called Kaliurang. I'm not really sure about public transportation that can be used to reach the museum, but rent a car might be a better option, or share Uber if you go with some friends. Once you reach the place you will see a contemporary style building as the entrance of museum area. The ticket to enter the museum cost IDR 50.000 for local tourist and might cost more for international tourist. After you get the ticket, you need to wait at their holding room for museum-tour schedule to start. The holding room itself is in the same room where you buy your ticket, and no need to worry of getting bored waiting, because it only takes couple of minutes until the tour started. Besides there are some art installation on the holding room that you can enjoy while waiting. Oh and a bit of information, due to the privacy regulation, every visitors has to join the tour and are not allowed to explore the museum by themselves.

The museum contains of gamelan collection, photographs and painting of Keraton Royal Family and also personal stuff that belongs to several former Kings and Queens of Jogjakarta. What most valuable in the museum is the story of Keraton Royal Family that probably never told before no where except inside the museum. The story were told fluently during this approximately an hour museum tour by the tour guide. My favorite part of the museum are areas which dedicated for Putri Tineke and for Ratu Mas. The room for Princess Tineke or as we called Putri Tineke shows poems or letters from friends and colleague to cheer up the princess who had a heartbreak because of her forbidden love. The letters were written in Indonesia or in Dutch, and I think the letters are too beautiful not to be published as a book or shared through internet. The second area of the museum that I love is the room dedicated for Queen Mas or as we called Ratu Mas. This room shows the queen's dresses, batik and also hat collection which she got directly from Netherlands. I can imagine Ratu Mas as a fashionable queen at that time. Unfortunately, taking picture is strictly prohibited inside the museum, so I could not show you any of the collections. 

After the tour finished, we were served with a glass of traditional drink or so called Jamu that made using Ratu Mas's secret recipe. It is believe that  Jamu Ratu Mas will make the one who drinks it look younger.

do we look younger already?
Ullen Sentalu Museum is a very nice place to enjoy, and luckily you are still allowed to take picture outside the museum. As the museum itself told us, "what would a journey be without documentation" , right?

tilted stone as the icon of Ullen Sentalu Museum, symbolized the world that becoming more "tilted" on morals and appreciation on culture and history 

Ullen Sentalu also has a restaurant and boutique to offer to complete your visit there.  Beukenhof, a restaurant located on the second floor of one of the museum building, offers you both Western and Indonesian food in a colonial ambiance.  Pick a table outside to have your coffee or meal with a garden view.

view from Beukenhof balcony

when in Jogjakarta, dont forget to come to Ullen Sentalu Museum 
a place worth to visit !

thanks for reading