Friday, August 24, 2012

Cantik Yang Halal

Assalamuallaikum semua,,

Kalian ada yang pernah mendengar atau mungkin sudah berpartisipasi dalam kontes Blog Kosmetik Halal Wardah kah? Aku pertama kali tahu tentang kontes ini dari blog nya Nada, lalu aku googling dan menemukan link yang menjabarkan tentang kontes ini. Aku tertarik dan semangat sekali mengikuti kontes ini karena memang aku pengguna Wardah dan mengakui kualitas Wardah yang sangat baik. Jadi tidak akan sulit bagi aku untuk berbagi cerita tentang puas nya aku menggunakan kosmetik Wardah sehari-hari.

Seluruh rangkaian Wardah kosmetik dibuat dari bahan berkualitas dan terbukti aman serta halal. Wardah menjadi produk kosmetik pertama dan satu-satu nya yang bersertifikat halal di Indonesia, Alhamdulillah ^_^ jadi dandannya tidak perlu takut atau khawatir kan. 

Ada banyak rangkaian produk Wardah, yaitu rangkaian kosmetik dan juga rangkaian perawatan. Dari sekian banyak produk Wardah aku memakai Lip Palette, Eye Shadow, Eye Liner, Facial Wash, Hydrating Toner, Sunscreen Gel, dan Olive Oil..hmmm cukup banyak juga ya. ^_^

Dari banyak rangkaian kosmetik Wardah, aku suka sekali dengan Lip Palette nya. Dalam satu palet ada 8 warna, jadi kalau sedang bosan dengan warna terang, ada alternatif menggunakan warna lembut. Aku suka bereksperimen dengan menggabungkan satu sama lain warna-warna yang ada di dalam palet untuk mendapatkan warna yang benar-benar sesuai dengan warna bibir dan warna kulit wajah aku. Dandan pun jadi seru ^_^

Untuk rangkaian perawatan, favorit aku adalah Pure Olive Oil. Olive oil ini multi guna banget loh karena bisa di aplikasikan di seluruh tubuh kita, suka aku pakai sebagai pelembab kulit tangan dan kaki, pelembab bibir kalo bibir aku lagi kering, untuk digunakan dibawah lingkaran mata sembari melakukan gerakan pijat memutar supaya kantung matanya ga hitam dan matanya jadi cerah *kalo ini diajarin sama mba-mba Wardah nya hehe*, malah kadang aku usap di rambut beberapa saat sebelum keramas supaya rambutnya lembab dan sehat.

Jadi cantik itu bukan hanya tentang warna-warni kosmetik, tapi juga harus memperhatikan perawatan kulitnya. Bayangkan kalau kita punya kulit yang bersih dan sehat, akan semakin cantik kalau dipulas dengan kosmetik yang halal. Kecantikan berawal dari kulit yang sehat terawat !!


Betul sekali apa yang menjadi slogan Wardah, Semakin Banyak Wanita Beralih ke Wardah
Kalau kamu bagaimana, cantik nya sudah menggunakan kosmetik halal belum ? ^_^

salam, Wulan

Thursday, August 23, 2012

DIY : Mustache Flat

Assalamualaikum !!!

Happy Ied Mubarok everyone \(^_^)/
How was your holiday? It was a quite long holiday for me, since i have no hometown to go, so I just stayed at home spent my leisure time with my bestfriend called TV Cable. Once I felt bored, I played with my super comfort ugly flat shoes, I gave it a mustache hohohoho,,,, and this was it...

the cracking leather is the original style of the shoes by little thing she needs, but it's getting worst lately :D . The leather is quite thin and easy to sewed, so I picked this shoes as my DIY experiment

I used felt material to make the mustache, wore the blue one because I dont have the black felt (>_<)

Not such a neat and tidy DIY 
I did it just for fun, I already bored with the shoes anyway, it's too plain :D

thanks for reading peps
salam, Wulan

Thursday, August 16, 2012

eat . babies. purple

yellow everyone!!

There are some points of my last weekend, eat - babies - purple.
So last weekend, I spent a girls time with my office mates. We went to our other office mate's house to meet their new baby born. It was far and traffic along the way, but it still fun coz we made a joke and laughed a lot (and i slept a lot hihihi). Actually it was my first visit to my office mate house, and I kinda enjoy it cos I have the opportunities to interact with them not only as an office mate but as my friends, out of the office atmosphere.

Baby Ditya and Baby Rania

After went to Baby Rania's and Baby Ditya's House we planned to have an iftar at a pancakes restaurant but the traffic force us to have iftar at Mc Donalds drive thru. Finally stepped into the pancakes restaurant, but we all confused of what to eat, too tired (and  too hungry ) to think I guess.

the girl in green blouse is not our friend but she also look confused, maybe she tired and hungry as we did hihi


I love the ambience of the restaurant, it boost my 'learn to sew' spirit \(^o^)9

the smile means 'we're full, alhamdulillah'
the 3 of us coincidentally wore purple
i wore : Curtain Skirt (Casa Elana look a like) | Dian Pelangi top | WAM plain chiffonshawl

happy time with friends \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\(^o^)/

thanks for reading
salam, Wulan

Monday, August 13, 2012

greeny tweedy

I used to wear this tweed blazer for my working outfit, but yesterday I tried to wear it for my weekend outfits, inspired by Treimee which popularize (again) tweed blazer among hijabers


compiled pic from google

Thank you for madame Coco Chanel who enrich our closet with her timeless tweed blazer design. I think she deserve to get a title as "Fashion Hero" or maybe she already get, anyone know?

thank for reading
salam, Wulan

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sound of Ramadhan


hai cewe-cewe, apa kabar kah hari ini?
nah loh kok tumben pake bahasa Indonesia? hihi aku lagi sakit gigi nih, jadi pake bahasa Indonesia aja ya posting nya  nyambung ga sih?? :P

Tanggal 1 - 3 Agustus 2012 kemarin, aku ikutan bazaar Sound of Ramadhan. Sebenernya bazaar ini berlangsung pas hari kerja tapi karena kebetulan event nya diselenggarakan di kantor jadi aku memutuskan untuk ikut ajah, dengan harapan masih bisa curi-curi waktu jengukin booth-nya. Berhubung WAM sudah beberapa kali ikutan bazaar jd persiapannya ga seheboh bazaar yg pertama kali, tapi kali ini aku mendekorasi boothnya dengan effort lebih supaya terlihat lebih cantik merepresentasikan orang nya doong hahaha

partner sesama pengisi booth, Riya dan Echa

Biasanya si-ayank (berusaha menerjemahkan Bunbun) suka bantuin angkut-angkut barang dan siap-siapin booth sebelum bazaar mulai, tapi berhubung hari kerja jadi dia ga bisa bantu. Untung lah ada temen yang panjang tangannya, kaya Irma dan Pipit, jadi mereka yang bantuin aku beres-beres booth. trims ya kawan kawan.

bbm-nya ayangk sedikit mengobati rasa capeknya :-*

makasih ya dah baca post nyaa
salam, Wulan

Monday, August 6, 2012

fuschia is the new black

the total look will be much sophisticated if i wore heels, but since i had to babysit, i prefer flat shoes

Went to the mall last weekend, accompanied my sisters buy Ied new outfits for their kids. My job was to babysit my niece and nephew, so i have no chances to captured much pictures. I wore a long chiffon shirt with half body button, it's so flowy and waving each time I walk, give a dramatic effect. Sometimes I love being dramatic :). I think I'm not gonna buy an Ied new outfits this year. Na'a don't get me wrong, it is not because i become more mature and only see Ied Raya Day as a self-reflecting moment as a moslem, but I already have several cloth that i haven't worn yet hihi upss.

Here's Dynda posing for me while waiting her mom shopping. I just said dynda, come take a pic, then she moved her body and made funny poses, I believe she feel very maximum with her pose that time hihihihi. Each time i took her pic, she come to me and ask curiously  is it (the pic) nice aunty? she behave like a teenager hadoooohh

love her miniskirt and boots, booth in jeans

thank's for reading
Salam, Wulan